"Sometimes I wish I were blind. Then, I could see a person's soul before I see their face..." a friend in NY 1969

Friday, September 17, 2010


To love someone only to lose that person in death is a great heart ache. However, to believe in what the Catholic Church teaches about death, resurrection, and redeeming power of God's love has been a great comfort to many, including myself. I have learned that what I possess, the money I earn, the talents I have been given -- all are nothing without the seven Sacraments of the Church. Where my destiny lies is in the Heavenly arms of my Creator and my Redeemer. Until then, I frequently seek the guidance of the Holy Spirit throughout my day. To pray often, to remember my Rosary daily, to attempt to get to Mass more than on Sunday are all of great importance. It is in the end of my life that I will be questioned about my loyalty to God and His Commandments. It is the subtitles of the Commandments that cause we trouble mostly. Did I keep Holy the Sabbath? Did I give clothing, shelter, or any comfort to those who are without? Did I visit the sick or dying, and if not, did I pray for them? Did I covet or envy or be jealous of what my sisters or brothers or neighbors achieve or receive? Did I speak poorly of someone or of something instead of keeping those words in my mouth? Did I use my talents, my time, my monies wisely, or did I waste them on what has no merit for God's people? Did I waste time playing games on the computer or gambling, when that time could have been used to visit Jesus, in the Blessed Sacrament?

I believe that God has a special place for the people I love who have guided me by example: my sister (who patiently teaches other's music and was brave enough to learn to play the piano and organ); my brother-in-law (who comes in a moments notice to help, whether a hurricane, or a move back to Philadelphia); my older sister (using the guitar and openly sharing her love to those around her, who speaks highly instead of negatively of others); my older brother (willing to come without hesitation to another in need, placing his children and wife as his highest priorities); my younger brother (relinquishing his goals for the goals of his children, loving both without limits); my husband (by example will devote each Sunday morning to taking Eucharist to the sick and homebound, who tries to find answers for the problems they are experiencing); other members of my family who are lovingly committed to those around them, even traveling great distances to bring happiness to another.

This article about the Minister's miraculous response is outstanding. How wonderful it would be that each of us could have a similar experience in our own lifetimes. To this day, I miss both of my parents, especially on Holidays, the 10th and the 29th of each month. My head understands their passing; yet, my heart will stop within special moments allowing me to feel that moment with some sadness and then to remember what they taught me. Love is the unending circle. Life begins with love, and for most ends with love. It's the in between that needs as much love as we can give. DELIVERANCE MINISTER 'DIED' AND CAME BACK


To love someone only to lose that person in death is a great heart ache. However, to believe in what the Catholic Church teaches about death, resurrection, and redeeming power of God's love has been a great comfort to many, including myself. I have learned that what I possess, the money I earn, the talents I have been given -- all are nothing without the seven Sacraments of the Church. Where my destiny lies is in the Heavenly arms of my Creator and my Redeemer. Until then, I frequently seek the guidance of the Holy Spirit throughout my day. To pray often, to remember my Rosary daily, to attempt to get to Mass more than on Sunday are all of great importance. It is in the end of my life that I will be questioned about my loyalty to God and His Commandments. It is the subtitles of the Commandments that cause we trouble mostly. Did I keep Holy the Sabbath? Did I give clothing, shelter, or any comfort to those who are without? Did I visit the sick or dying, and if not, did I pray for them? Did I covet or envy or be jealous of what my sisters or brothers or neighbors achieve or receive? Did I speak poorly of someone or of something instead of keeping those words in my mouth? Did I use my talents, my time, my monies wisely, or did I waste them on what has no merit for God's people? Did I waste time playing games on the computer or gambling, when that time could have been used to visit Jesus, in the Blessed Sacrament?

I believe that God has a special place for the people I love who have guided me by example: my sister (who patiently teaches other's music and was brave enough to learn to play the piano and organ); my brother-in-law (who comes in a moments notice to help, whether a hurricane, or a move back to Philadelphia); my older sister (using the guitar and openly sharing her love to those around her, who speaks highly instead of negatively of others); my older brother (willing to come without hesitation to another in need, placing his children and wife as his highest priorities); my younger brother (relinquishing his goals for the goals of his children, loving both without limits); my husband (by example will devote each Sunday morning to taking Eucharist to the sick and homebound, who tries to find answers for the problems they are experiencing); other members of my family who are lovingly committed to those around them, even traveling great distances to bring happiness to another.

This article about the Minister's miraculous response is outstanding. How wonderful it would be that each of us could have a similar experience in our own lifetimes. To this day, I miss both of my parents, especially on Holidays, the 10th and the 29th of each month. My head understands their passing; yet, my heart will stop within special moments allowing me to feel that moment with some sadness and then to remember what they taught me. Love is the unending circle. Life begins with love, and for most ends with love. It's the in between that needs as much love as we can give. DELIVERANCE MINISTER 'DIED' AND CAME BACK

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

A Little Kindness

Mike became part of the family on Holy Saturday (in forefront).  Sarah Leigh was so saddened  by the death of Porterhouse who died Monday of Holy Week that we brought Mike into our family.  The two of them have been inseparable since.  We have had to deal with his trash picking (lovingly known as the trash recycle person. He also table surfs (but is getting much better).  Mike also has an uncanny way of opening the front door (or any door for that matter).  Each task we take in stride and teach him the pros and cons to his behavior.

Then, tonight he surprised us:  he was in the back yard barking fiercely.  Gus thought it might be a snake; however, Mike took Gus to the exact problem.  Somehow a plastic bag surrounded the air conditioning unit, and it was making a strange noise.  Mike starred at it until Gus recognized what could have been a disaster. No one ever educated Mike to locate problems; yet, Mike is ready to help.  Since my physical mobility has declined, it is very difficult to get up from the floor or get out of the swimming pool.  Mike comes to the edge of the pool, stiffens his body and leans toward me, so that I may take his collar and get out of the pool.  Also after a fall to the floor in the bedroom, Mike manages to get his body beneath mine, again stiffening his little body until I am able to reach higher and regain a standing position.  Mike does this behavior himself and he continues to amaze both of us.

Reminds me of the Samaritan who stopped to take care of someone beaten and robbed.  It was not part of his character, yet he came to an other's aid.  That is where our Good Samaritan Laws come from (to render aid without fear of litigation).  We might have to change Mike's name to the Samaritan.  Oh!  Mike just barked in protest. . . so his name will remain Mike.  He is our little blessing and Sarah Leigh's inseparable friend.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Just How Does This Fit In???

Grief is such a stubborn thing.... there all the time, even when happy.  The photo above is of Sarah Leigh on the evening that we lost Porterhouse.  Her sadness was overwhelming, which only compounded ours.  That evening our little neighbor told her parents that she wanted to give Sarah Leigh her teddy because she didn't want her to be alone.  We delighted in how Sarah tossed the bear into the air and caught it. All of us stood there crying, except for Sarah and little Josephine.  Sarah Leigh stood ever so still as her little neighbor touched her golden furry coat.  There were no words exchanged, but Sarah knew of Josephine's sincere thoughts.  Sarah still sleeps with the bear today, despite the new addition to the family of another Golden named Mike.

Tonight my computer turned to the local obituary page, as I was looking for a particular announcement.  Yet, suddenly there was a NETFLIX pop up.  In disgust, the ad was removed, but it made me wonder:  "just how many grieving people need NETFLIX  at that moment;  or, have we really become such a throw away society that we bury ourselves in entertainment?"    Perhaps I am too harsh in this respect.  I am sure that NETFLIX can be the remedy for busy parents who are trying to get to a viewing service and a special movie could entertain the children while the baby sitter watches them.  It's just the joy grief issue that I find difficult.

When Jesus was confronted by death, He wept.  Then, He consoled the others by reminding them of how long they have been with Him, and did they not remember that Jesus was the Resurrection and the Life. Two opposites were present:  one of death, the other of life.  So just as NETFLIX appears on the obituary page to serve a purpose, I am sure that the same unspoken happiness and joy existed with little Josephine and Sarah Leigh.  Opposites?  Yes.  Common denominator???  Love....

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

My Best

Weather is so changeable, especially here in Florida.  The tale is "if you don't like the weather, wait ten minutes and it will change."   Life can be the same with its' challenges, and each challenge has opportunities that are uniquely its' own.  Just when you prepare for the rain, the sun will brilliantly shine against a background of dark clouds (as in the picture).   Recently, I have discovered that challenge accompanies change within my life as well.

Challenge is difficult to deal with, especially if there is anxiety surrounding the change.  How I wonder: did Jesus have anxiety as He approached the challenge of reuniting humanity with God by the scourging, carrying of the cross, and His crucifixion?  He did pray fervently in the garden prior to being arrested on false charges, but did He continue to pray just as fervently with each blow to His body, with each smash of the hammer's blow, with the movement of the cross into a hanging position prior to His death?  I personally think that prayer was His constant companion  as well as the angels at each of these moments.

My life has some brief periods that allows me to have prayer as my companion during my work day.  It is when I am scanning material into the computer that I can remember the faces, the stories that were shared by those I have registered.  It briefly allows me to pray for them, until a phone calls interrupts my thoughts. Then, I try again to remember these people who have come into my life briefly, with the hope that each of them will experience some consolation, some tenderness, some answers at this time or before the end of their day to give comfort.

My best is what I offer with each task at work.  My best is in each prayer.  Tonight, before my eyes close in sleep, I will again offer my best, my prayers.  Perhaps, one day prayer will become my constant companion no matter by what task I am confronted.  "...as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be.  Amen."

Wednesday, August 4, 2010


Marriage was created by God, established for procreation of the human race. For those who fail to recognize this fact and want to leave God completely out of the picture, let's look to the cavemen who knew they needed females to reproduce.  Quickly advance to 2010, and despite all the advances in science, to reproduce it still requires a female ovum and a male spermatozoa.  Two spermatozoa or two ovum cannot and are never able to create a human being.  So, Prop 8 in California has been overturned by a judge who did not recluse himself from hearing the case due to his established behavior of homosexuality.  This is so unbelievable that a person of the court believes the will of the people can be negated and cast to the wayside.

Now, regroup.  In the Books of the Old Testament, the Laws of God specifically state that no man shall lie with another man and no woman shall lie with another women as in the marriage bed.  Also, due to the horrid obscene sexual behavior displayed in Sodom and Gomorrah, God sent a pillar of fire to destroy them.  In the time of Noah, God found favor with him as he follow and kept God's laws. Noah and his family were spared the entire destruction of the Earth because God rewarded Noah with instructions to build the Ark, and to place in it pairs of animals (one male and one female) as well as to take his sons with their wives. One male and one female were needed to reproduce or procreate.  Those outside the Ark drowned, as it rained for 40 days and 40 nights, extinguishing all life from the planet (except the life that was safe upon the Ark).

In the New Testament, Christ Jesus had His first miracle at the Wedding at Cana.  This was a place of celebration of the Bride and the Bridegroom.  Jesus Himself was the Bridegroom with the Church as His Bride.  Male with female.... not male lying with male or female lying with female. Jesus also spoke of a parable saying, "the kingdom of heaven is like a king who made a marriage feast for his son" (not his sons). Jesus continued with the parable noting how the servants were murdered when they extended the king's invitation to come to the marriage feast. The murderers were killed. Others were invited to the feast, but a person who was not wearing a wedding garment was bound and cast outside in the dark, where there would be " weeping an gnashing of teeth  For many are called but few are chosen".

A scientist published findings that the homosexual brain has physical changes than that of a heterosexual brain.  However, no other scientist has been able to duplicate these findings. Odd, isn't it?  Odd that we are being force fed homosexual behavior and that we must be tolerant of it.  Odd that what the people hold to be sacred to them is trivialized.  Odd?  Not really.  God has been tossed out of our schools, our sporting arenas, our meetings, and even God's Ten Commandments have been removed from our judicial places.  By this poor example, people think nothing of tossing out God from our lives, our behaviors, and our homes because we are expected to conform politically to propaganda which is without God's laws or God's blessings.

So, back to Proposition 8:   we know the truth.  Read  "Sent To Earth, God and the Return of Ancient Disasters" by Michael H Brown.  It was written years prior to the five hurricanes that cross Florida (which did happened as he described).  We know how the story will end, even if the rest of humanity is corrupt and wants to behave badly.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Try Again

There are times in life when defeat circumvents each attempt you make to find answers to your questions, leaving you feeling that your problems are imaginary.  Over the last two years it felt like that to me.  My car accident in January 2006 left me vulnerable with physical discomfort that continues to this day.  When the falls began, the doctors I sought treatment from provided little to resolving my problems, even differed on the diagnosis.  However, I needed to prevent falling and started to walk with a cane.  Two years after the falls began I was finally headed to my third physician, and I was determined to get some type of answers.

After an intensive exam, another EMG, another MRI, and finally a three day EEG, a diagnosis was made. Not only do I have ataxia and need the cane at all times, but also seizures were discovered.  A new medication was introduced, and the dosage has been adjusted.  Do I still fall?  Yes, even with the cane. However, I have restarted physical therapy (which has intensified my back pain) to strengthen my pelvic muscles.  Also, I feel more attentive and focused on each and every task at hand.  The third physician, Dr.Richard Newman,  has been a blessing to me.  His persistence in making a diagnosis with involved testing as well as his medical knowledge is what made the difference in my life and my lifestyle.

All this makes me remember back to being a child.  My parents told me to never give up, and just keep trying.   Then, God has me trying each day to be a better person, to let Him shine through my life, and when I fail, to seek reconciliation, and try again.   This lesson from my childhood has revisited me at sixty-two. It is a good lesson to remember always.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Oh, what a week!!!  Lost my keys, then found them.  Lost the spare key to the car but found it by the end of this day.  Restarted physical therapy  with the hope it will reduce my falling and increase my strength and mobility (only to have my forever present back pain multiply itself beyond the top digit on the pain scale).  Yet, there have been highlights as well.

The younger golden retriever, Mike, has a mysterious way of turning bad events to laughter.  At the beginning of last week, he discovered the toilet brush, and carried it to the family room. Shortly after, he removed the toothpaste from the drawer in the bathroom, again bringing it into the family room.  Did he want to brush his teeth??  Oh, what an odd way of expressing himself....   A few days later, Mike pulled the box which contained fish cutlets out of the trash can . . . only to have his head so deep inside the box that his head was buried and he proudly wore it as a hat, bringing on a huge belly laugh.

All this made me wonder just how many times I have worn a "box on my head"  or brought together opposite items to accomplish a goal.  When I was very little, I was able to cut my bangs while there were four adults to supervise me.  Another time, the wind up alarm clock no longer functioned and another was purchased. The broken one I pulled from the trash can, poured some milk from my glass into it, and  to everyone's amazement the stupid clock began to ring its' alarm loudly (before it stopped forever).  There was another time that I pulled a rusted watering can from the trash, and upon carrying it back into the house, fell on the jagged edges, slicing my neck (but I did get to ride to Frankford Hospital in the back of a paddy wagon of Philadelphia's finest).

All events make me remember that despite the many attempts in life, failure will try to desperately follow. Now, we could all sit by and let failure dominate us or we could try again and again (even if it is a toilet brush and toothpaste) to succeed.  The brave men and women who dreamed of flying to the moon and beyond did not permit failure to smother their goals and dreams.  They kept trying.  Their dreams were realized.

Even God allows us to try and try again, encouraging each of us to shed disappointment, fear, and discouragement to be our very best.  God doesn't want any of us to be perfect.  He just wants each of us to be the best of who we are as individuals, and to try and try again as we attempt to reach that goal . . . and if we fall short, who cares?  God just wants us to try.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

A Car Can't "Go" in Neutral

We turn on the radio for news, information, and companionship when we get into our cars. Yet, I did not expect a stimulating thought. It was presented early in the morning by www.sonrisemorningshow.com (who comes on between 6am to 7am Mondays through Fridays).  They were interviewing an author who had a chapter in his book that was something like "A car can't go in neutral. Neither can God. Get your foot on the gas and go." or something similar to it.

Well, it made me wonder just how often I have kept God in neutral without considering the outcome of my actions.  I also considered the times that I put God into hyper drive after not seeking God's input to my choices and decisions, making my responses to my Creator manic depressive.  Now, with retro speck, I find many opportunities where I could have and should have put my foot on the gas and let God take over.  
It is my hope that the remaining years I have here on earth are spent in giving God "pedal to the metal" in my life.  It is when someone can see my actions or behaviors as helpful or as a blessing to them that I realize God has been taken out of neutral.

Where do I start?  As in the picture above, the first action is to get myself into church for a heart to heart conversation.  Then, in those times when I am able to have quiet time, I listen to his voice.  "Be still, and know that I am God.  I'm right here at your side."  Thank you, Lord, for getting me into gear and letting You take control!

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Another Death

Another friend from Hospice buried her daughter last week . . . and she was non responsive from a major seizure never regaining consciousness.  How dreadful to bury a 30 year old !  The answers are not there as to the whys (why her?  why now?  why at this age?) including the whys that are without description . . .
I am without words . .. .  Yet, I know that my Redeemer lives.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

The Good Samaritan

So many times all of us have heard about the Good Samaritan story and know that there is a law also named the Good Samaritan Law (protecting any individual who stops at an accident on the roadway from any litigation. Now, I will provide a new slant on the story, something which I have just heard which has endeared the Good Samaritan ever more to me.

As the bible story tells us, a man was beaten and robbed, and left on the side of the road to die.  Passing by were two individuals who did not stop to help the man.  Then, a Samaritan came by, and seeing the man in the ditch beaten robbed (probably near death), he stopped to help the man. He wrapped up the man's wounds after using oil and wine.  Then, he carried the man to a nearby inn.  The Samaritan gave money to the inn keeper with instructions to care for the man, and if it cost more to tend to the beaten man, the Samaritan would provide reimbursement to the inn keeper.  Of course the Bible story clearly has a question posed by Jesus, 'who provided compassion for the man' . . .   and now a twist in the end of the story . . .

Each of us have been robbed and beaten by Satan throughout our lives.  We are near death, without hope.  Coming our way is the Good Samaritan.  It is Jesus. He is moved with compassion to clean our wounds (by the Sacrament of Anointing the Sick).  He places oil (the Sacrament of Reconciliation, the Sacrament of Baptism, the Sacrament of Confirmation) and wine (the Sacrament of Holy Eucharist) into our wounds.  Jesus then wraps each of  them (forgiveness) and  He restores us from death (from Jesus carrying and dying on the cross).  He has redeemed each of  us with His love for us that we many not be separated from God in the end of our lives.  

Yet, the story is not finished because Jesus adds one thing more.  He instructs his follows to go out, and do the same for others (through the Sacrament of Baptism,  the Sacrament of Reconciliation, the Sacrament of Holy Eucharist, the  Sacrament of Confirmation, the Sacrament of Holy Orders, the Sacrament of Matrimony, and  the Sacrament of the Sick).  God loves us that much that He became the Good Samaritan to us, moved with compassion for us as we lay beaten, robbed, and near death.  Through the Holy Spirit, we are able to move forward . . . to be a Samaritan to another. 

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Looking back over the years through pictures is a wonderful way to remember who you are as a result of the relationships you keep.  The photo upper left is of myself with my brothers and sisters (I'm the shortest on the right).  The other pictures are of the Hospice Inpatient Care Center and my co workers.    The odd part is while I have extensive family I am closest to my husband and then to my hospice family, those who I worked with side by side as we walked with others on the pathways at the end of life.  Each of my brothers and sisters have followed their hearts, married wonderful spouses, and are extremely busy with their children and grand children's lives and events.  Their families are blossoming.  Their stories are wrapped up with love despite the busy events that consume their daily lives with family celebrations.  The physical distance (California, Pennsylvania, and New Jersey from Florida) is minimized by the photographs their children share on Facebook.

What makes a family strong?  The bonds that are in the heart, the trust in the care that is administered.  These I treasure deeply.  When I look to the faces of my hospice family, I see the endless hours of patiently holding the dying person's hand or cradling them in our arms as they traveled their journey.  Those moments are the moments that bring me closest to the Blessed Mother's love and how she cradled Jesus as an infant, as a child who needed love and consolation, and at the foot of Jesus' cross, as she stood unable to hold his hand until this lifeless body was placed into her arms when he was taken from the cross.  Hospice has strengthened my Catholic faith.   When I doubted where I should be in my nursing career, my dying patient instructed me, "This is the work you're to do and you are never to question it again."

The aftermath of the car accident has robbed me of my nursing, as I walk with a cane and have continuous back pain in addition to my unsteady gait.  How I miss my hospice family and the Care Center!!!  How I miss nursing itself!!  Recently, a three-day EEG test revealed seizure activity and I was started on oral medication.  My physical abilities have not changed, but perhaps with guided physical therapies through my neurologist I hope to maintain my physical strength (without further decline).  I often wonder if all these changes since the car accident have become the journey to go home to God the Father.  If it is, I pray for the direction, love, and support that I will need along the way.  I continue to offer my discomforts to Jesus at the foot of the cross and recognize this as my first step to go home.  Whatever else is to come, I hope I will receive as part of my journey.

My precious Redeemer, Jesus, thank you for your cross, a place of refuge for me.  Blessed Holy Spirit, guide me on this journey and remain close to me, even if I cannot feel your presence.  Dearest God the Father, some day I will stand before you and hope you will be pleased with me despite my weaknesses. 

Monday, July 5, 2010

Hot Potato Salad?

Yesterday morning, the ham was baking almost 3 hours with barbecue sauce on it.  Since I had an excess of potatoes, I cooked them in their skins, and when finished, retrieved them from the hot water, placing them into a large bowl.  With the rest of the meal ready, the potatoes were quickly cut up into irregular shapes (skins on). The small amount of mayonnaise in the jar was combined with the remaining liquid and spices from Bread n  Butter pickles.  Shaking it well to make the sauce for my potato salad, I poured it over the chopped green pepper and chopped celery. It looked like "soup".  Slowly the potato salad was gently tossed.... then placed on the table.
Never in a million years would I have made hot/warm potato salad....but YUM!!!!!!!!!

Makes me think about my present situation, as never in a million years would I think I would  be walking forever with a cane, have cataracts in both eyes, and be only able to work as a registration clerk part time.  The bonus of such changes?  Well, I work with a caring group of women who each work hard and are dedicated to doing a complete job of taking care of the customer as well as respecting each other.  The cane as made me appreciate what I still can do, and both Golden Retrievers have identified when I need their assistance and come running quickly without being called to help.  The reduction in income to one quarter of what I was making two years ago has made me look at everything else differently, with utilizing what I have already and much creative cooking
(as above).

Thank you, Lord, for all my blessings of today, of things taken for granted, of blessings in the past.  Allow my eyes and my heart to receive all future gifts of friendship and love as in the spirit it is given.  Thank you for slowing me down, so I can focus more on my destiny with you.  Thank you for our nation, my husband, our home, our dogs, the ability to have a roof over our heads and food on the table. Amen.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Until the Sea Parts Again

At the end of August, 2008 the collection of photographs from my parents life together were shabby.  With my digital camera, I tried to capture as many as possible.  It felt overwhelming but soothing in some fashion. I had no idea when the capturing of photos would conclude.  Yet, when the closing moments came in the early hours of morning, I felt like the photograph sea had parted, bringing my inner core to the surface.

Through out my life I have had similar situations, where I experienced oceans of sadness, or heartache, or changes to life or lifestyle.  The above picture was taken in a section of Philadelphia in a community that was to be swallowed by the construction of I-95.  The steps to our porch were of wood, but we had a little patch of green in front of the house, enclosed by a wrought iron gate.  The heat was provided by a coal stove in the basement, and the coal was in a large pile near the stove.  We had one bathroom with two adults and five children to share in its' use.  We had three bedrooms, and  slept in double beds.  In this home, I felt secure and safe.  In this community I was slowly finding myself, until we had to move to another neighborhood.... a place with better opportunities for all.  I was not old enough to ask my classmates for their addresses to keep in touch.  Their names are just names in my head.  However, the change prepared me for all the changes that would happen in my future.

Now, at 62 the changes still come, and I wait for the sea to part again (giving me a safe landing somewhere along the shore of life).  My companion through everything has been by faith in God.  Sometimes my actions were not very Christian, leaving me with bewilderment and anxiety.  Many more times my actions allowed me to walk journeys within another person's sorrow (as I was a Hospice RN), or within a person's joy (as a friend or sister/daughter/aunt), or with another person's understanding and comprehension (as I taught them as their primary RN).  

My parents empowered me by being excellent role models, even though we differed in opinion at times. They had so many road blocks as they journeyed through life.  The sea would part as they rejoiced in my brother's graduation from medical school, with my sister's four sons, with my older brother's two daughters, with my older sister's second marriage and graduation from college, and with my becoming a nurse, and finally happily married.   What happened in between were the waves of laundry, cooking, working, cleaning, home improvements, planning how to stretch the money to cover the budget, and so much more.  The love they shared was the life raft that kept them afloat despite each challenge.  Their love was genuine, and visible to all of us just as their commitment to God and the Catholic faith.  That was their legacy to us.  It was that life raft that they shared with us that still has room to carry me safely until the sea parts again.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Shop Early

In six months it will be Christmas, with everyone too exhausted to acknowledge or enjoy the Holy Day (holiday).So when someone says shop early, it is wise to try.  Unfortunately, a familiar question is presented that can really weigh down the person asking it:  "What do you want?".  That question has taken joy away from the very idea of what a gift should be, specifically, the gift is simply someone thinks wonderfully of you and wants to share with you that thought. 

A dear friend expressed that he taught his children that the gift wasn't what was inside the wrappings but was the package itself.  He encouraged his children not to open the gift until a day when they were experiencing difficult times, and to open the gift at that time.  Well, I used that advise one year, and I must say it became a life changing event.  I had no idea when I would be in need of opening the gift, or when I needed to do so.  However, the day arrived.  Nothing was right in my world.  As I felt the weight pulling me downward, my eyes gazed upon the "gift" waiting for me.  As I opened it, the events causing my heavy heart began to leave. Once open, the gift allowed me to remember the person's kindness and caring.  Sadness was gone, the weight that pulled me down was no longer there.  I had learned what the wrappings concealed the true meaning behind what was inside, and that what was inside really didn't matter until the moment that I needed it.

So, it is six months to Christmas.  Begin you shopping now by finding several envelopes, and placing the name of each person you want to give a gift to this Christmas on the outside of the envelope.  Following that task, pick up a pen and some paper of miscellaneous size and color.  Now, think of any of the people whose names have been written on the various envelopes.  Has that person gone out of their way to show you some kindness?  Has that person made your life special in any way?  Has that person helped you and made your day brighter in some fashion?  Well, write it down.  Tell that person how they made a difference in your life. It doesn't take much time, and shouldn't be lengthy.  Now, place that paper into that person's envelope. Each time you think of some kindness, some surprise gesture, something that surprised you and made you happy, write it down and place it into that person's envelope.   By the time December 15th comes around, you will be amazed about the fullness of each envelope.  It won't matter what kind of gift you purchase, as your hand written notes will provide the greatest gift of all---yourself.

Happy Blessed Christmas, six months early!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, June 6, 2010


Pain has become part of my life since my car accident in January 2006.  In attempts to diminish it, medication, meditation, physical therapy, prayer, and a TENS unit have partnered together. Yet, pain continues to reveal its' ugly head again and again, breaking through the combination that have keep it quieted to a one to two.  Today the pain pushed me to the point of inability to attend Mass, the sixth time this year.  Even trying to work has been overwhelming, with me now going part time from full time...with little hope for the pain to ever be controlled as it had been.  How odd that my life has changed so radically due to the accident!

Holy Trinity, I offer you my pain in union with the suffering of the whole church to save souls....  Thank you for Ministry to the Sick, who brought me Eucharist this morning.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Thank You

There have been so many dreams that were of coming to America, the land of opportunity, the place of a new start, a new beginning.....   William Penn was deeded land here, encouraged each person to attend their own choice of worship, even set up the King's church known as Christ's Church in Philadelphia.  The pilgrims arrived, populations grew, taxes were imposed on the colonists.... and our history of standing up for our freedoms were planted, though not spoken openly at the time.  At the Tea Party they were standing together in defiance of injustice.    Injustice then..... injustice now!

From that time, Washington lead those who were willing to stand for our freedom....so many died.  Yet, the final outcome was realized, establishing our United States.   From Washington's presidency to the current one we, as a nation have weathered storms of trial, of sacrifice, of standing up for what is right, and always resulting in some personal loss. 

Our men and women have served and continued to serve in the Army, the Navy, the Air Force, the Coast Guard, the Marines, and the Special Forces.  This Memorial Day we, as a nation, will have family celebrations around the pool or at the beach...while others will apply their prosthetic limbs or get into their wheelchairs to join family or friends.  To many, this Memorial Day is another day off from work. To others, it is a day to remember, to salute, and to be thankful that we still have men and women willing to put themselves in service to our country.  To these brave ones, I say thank you and hold you in my prayers.
To our POWs, I pray for your return and answers....  May God bless all of you and your families.

Saturday, May 22, 2010


In the quiet....near the Most Blessed Sacrament... I find my peace in the priest's words of forgiveness.  The moments are short, yet, last what seems to be a long time.  Sitting before the tabernacle I am bathed in the sweetness that comes from this beautiful Sacrament of Reconciliation.

I have difficulty with my physical decline, my limited mobility and deteriorating strength.  Since I can unite all of this to Jesus' cross and His suffering, I sit in a silence, listening with my heart to His peace.  There is no desire from me to seek a physical healing, as I have something to offer my Lord to save souls.  There are others whose needs are greater than my own....so, I won't ask. 

Thank you, Most Holy Trinity, on the eve of the Feast of Pentecost for loving this world and wanting to save us from ourselves.  Glory be to the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit; as it was in the beginning, is now and forever shall be world without end. Amen.

Friday, May 21, 2010

The 1st Amendment of the Bill of RIghts

James Madison did not believe that rights needed protecting, until his campaign for election to the House of Representatives against James Monroe. After he won, Madison reviewed proposals in 1789, that had been gathered at various state conventions. The idea was to have these proposals safely added to the Constitution and not to affect the critical decisions that had been taken in Philadelphia. It was through Madison's strong insistence, accompanied by Roger Sherman's argument to have the amendments as separate articles, that Congress sent to the States a set of twelve amendments. Finally, at the end of 1791, ten amendments were ratified. Did you know that both Rhode Island and North Carolina initially rejected the Constitution? ...any way.....

James Madison's speech of June 8,1789, "....if all power is subject to abuse, then it is possible the abuse of powers of the General Government may be guarded against in a more secure manner than is now done... We have in this way something to gain, and if we proceed with caution, nothing to lose. ...I do wish to see a door opened to consider, so far as to incorporate those provisions for the security of rights... ". Specifically relating to Religion, Madison spoke, "The civil rights of none shall be abridged on account of religious belief or worship, nor shall any national religion be established, nor shall the full and equal rights of conscience be in any manner, or on any pretext, infringed."

Roger Sherman drafted the amendments in July, 1789. "The people have certain natural rights which are retained by them when they enter into society, Such are the rights of conscience in matters of religion; of acquiring property, and of pursuing happiness and safety... Of these rights therefore they Shall not be deprived by the government of the United States." On August 24, 1789, Congress resolved, "... Congress shall make no law establishing religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof, nor shall the rights of Conscience be infringed." On September 14, 1789 the Senate proposed, "Article the Third: Congress shall make no law establishing articles of faith, or a mode of worship, or prohibiting the free exercise of religion, or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press, or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances."

On September 28, 1789 Speaker of the House of Representatives, Frederick Augustus Muhlenberg, recorded the "Articles in addition to, and amendment of the Constitution of the United States of America, proposed by Congress, and ratified by the Legislature of the several States, pursuant to the fifth Article of the original Constitution." Finally the Bill of Rights, as Ratified by the States, on December 15,1791 shows "Amendment I: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceable to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances."

Why point out the hard work and time it took to give us the Bill of Rights? It is because people would have the lazy Americans think that religion has no right to exist in our everyday lives by quoting "separation of Church and State" which is not present in the Constitution or the Bill of Rights. Protestants, Christians, and Jews are all having our rights denied. Gaining more presence is the push coming from the Muslim faith and the Atheist faith (to believe there is no God or Creator is a practice of faith). The Bill of Rights' clearly states in the first Amendment "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or
PROHIBITING the free exercise thereof...."

So, to the school who suspended a young teen for wearing his own Rosary around his neck as he was departing from school, have your read the Constitution and Bill of Rights lately? There is no policy at the school that mandates students from wearing religious articles or clothing. If that did exist, no Orthodox male child would wear a head covering, no Muslim child could carry a prayer rug or head covering, and no other child could wear a necklace with a medal or even a cross. It is time for America to display our faith as we desire, instead of letting these non believing individuals walk all over the (OUR) Bill of Rights.

Monday, May 17, 2010


We sat intently as the neurologist asked questions, comparing history and medications as well as interventions already attempted. Pain management was not my concern, and he understood that. Figuring out why I needed my cane to ambulate, and was there a cause... The labs were ordered, and an MRI of brain and cervical spine will provide insight, with an EMG to follow.

Isn't it amazing that the medical community has advanced knowledge of the human body? To discover the cause, to receive a diagnosis, to get a prognosis .... all of these I have been seeking for a long time. The neurologist told me to keep walking with the cane...as my ataxia demands it, so I won't fall... with the neuropathy of each leg.

No matter what we discover in the very end, the cement that keeps us together will hold fast as Gus and I meet the next challenge.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Tomorrow feels like a heavy weight on my neck...finally getting to see a doctor who could give me a diagnosis to my problems of walking and falling... Lord, let me be patient with whatever the outcome is.........

Thursday, May 13, 2010


What a crazy day in work... so was yesterday. Those who I encountered were short sighted and very impatient. What complaints!!! I wanted to eat anything sweet that wasn't nailed down, and succeeded alittle...while I reexamined what triggered my sweet tooth.

My former years were filled with poor decisions resulting in poor choices as a result of triggers that launched frequently. The only time I had control in my life over my dietary intake was in the year after my father's death in 1993. The help came from Jenny Craig. I will find her books and start over.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010


This morning I was informed about a friend's recent death....totally unexpected and very unanticipated. Bev was younger than me, making me even more upset... "We know neither the day nor the hour" has been recited again and again...it's quite true.

When I graduated high school in '65, Viet Nam drew so many of our graduates with the first casualty returning in a body bag. He was laid out in his Marine attire in an open coffin. Not until last year did I finally get to the "Wall" replica that tours the country to see his name. He was the first of many deaths Viet Nam would claim.

As I age, I have come to accept death as a part of life...and the older I become, the more I anticipate death's arrival....except for Bev. Her cheerfulness, her infectious laugh, and eagerness to lend a hand...these are the gifts she freely shared with everyone. I miss you, my friend.

Saturday, May 8, 2010


As of midnight, it will be Mother's Day. Through the years I would send a flower arrangement to my mother in thanks for my birthday. At my age there is no longer the person "mother" to send anything in thanks.... For myself, over the years I have been the "mom" to several four legged "children", the two latest ones are both golden retrievers. There won't be any flowers or gifts, yet, both shower me with amusement each and every day and neither want to be separated from me.

Tomorrow at mass I will thank Jesus for sharing His Mother with us. At the foot of His cross, Mary stood with John as Jesus gave her to us... To follow in that direction and to follow the footsteps of Mary especially while doing the Stations of the Cross gives me the greatest joy and happiness. To honor the Blessed Mother, a showering of roses would be appropriate....the roses of her rosary specifically.

Happy Mother's Day, Blessed Mother!!!

Years ago I composed a simple song...and did dedicate it to my mother. Here are the words:

"Lord, I thank you for my mother. A perfect part of you she is to me.
Lord, I thank you for my mother. A helping hand that's helping me.
Thank you for loving me, dear Father, in a woman so fair. She give her love away.
Lord, thank you for my mother. Thank you for loving me this way."

Happy Mother's Day in Heaven, mom!

Friday, May 7, 2010


It's official....now I'm 62.... and when I look in the mirror, my image doesn't reflect the person I feel inside.... so I ask "Who are you?"

Perhaps we are to celebrate our birthdays so we can remember both the Good, the Not So Great, and disasters we have experienced. In the end, I believe that we should have more Good and Not So Great events and memories than our life-time disasters. The earliest memory is of my mother calling me her Mother's Day present and the long fingers I had. Mom and I unfortunately did not develop a close relationship until a few years before her death...when she saw me as me and we accepted each other as we are.

Being one of five children, I observed my mother as she gave her love to each of us in the ways she knew best...through her presence, through her being availability, through her cooking and baking, and through her example of giving to other family and friends. Yet, I failed to recognize the many attempts she made to be close to me, because I resented how much time she spent with my sister, who was two years older than me. I never really had my mother totally to myself....something that I craved....until my forties. Funny how I am the most like her, with sewing, crocheting, cooking, baking, and being present to others, mostly my husband. This memory is a Not So Great one.... finally at the end becoming a Great One.

So, today I thank God for this day, and will spend some time with the Blessed Sacrament for that Private Time with God, in thankfulness for my Birthday and my parents who celebrated me with their lives. With much thankfulness for my husband, I will enjoy the day as I spend it with him and our four legged children. There will be phone calls from my siblings, and my brother, Tom, sent beautiful flowers.

Heavenly Father, you have blessed my life in so many ways. Thank you for Your continued love and graces. Jesus, my Redeemer and Lord, thank you for dying and rising from the dead, and Your Ascension into Heaven, and for the beautiful Sacraments of the Catholic Church, especially Reconciliation and for Holy Eucharist.
Holy Spirit, thank you for your continued wisdom and guidance in my life. Please continue to move me out of the way, so that people may see You and not me in my remaining days on Earth. I love you, Blessed Trinity, and I thank you for loving me in the past and in my future.

Monday, May 3, 2010


Ever love someone with total unconditional love? Ever been changed by it? This year my husband and I are celebrating 15 years together. People inquire of others who's marriages are 35 years or more, "what's the secret?" The answers are being blind and deaf to each others faults...or having a sense of humor...or just saying "yes,dear" ...and others remark still being in love with the person on the inside and accepting the natural changes on the outside.

There was a struggle in the early years, not of power, but of communication. Once he understood that he didn't need to fix everything and just listen, once I understood that men need to provide and protect, and after many hours of taking the time to listen to each other as well as speak from the heart...that is when our marriage began to bloom. The respect for each other and the lover for each other was there....and one more thing occurred: he gave me a sense of humor.

In the last 15 years, we have grown together...learning to be present and love each other unconditionally. The cement of our marriage is and will always be our faith, both of us are Roman Catholic. The ability to share our love of the Holy Trinity and the Catholic Church with each other has carried us through the difficult times when we did not clearly understand the other, but were willing to learn to try our best.

Somewhere in the future we will be separated by death. Yet, each moment that the one who survives attends Holy Mass and receives the Body and Blood of Christ we will be united, as one, through the Catholic Church. This is the perfect example of unconditional love.... and at this time in our journey we are moving ever closer to achieving it.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Friends are the best gifts to have....and if they are there for you in both good times and in bad, you really have a treasure! The picture is of Sheri and John Diamatis, owners of Beef O'Brady's on Merritt Island, Florida. Their business began prior to the five hurricanes that crossed the state of Florida a few years ago. So many of us were without electric, and heat was unbearable afterward. Yet, Beef O'Brady's on Merritt Island were open, had electric, and posted on their sign that their air conditioner was on. The entire community flocked to Beefs .... and to each of our surprise we were each given a complimentary cold beverage (non alcohol) as well as a large cup of ice and another complimentary refill of our beverage upon leaving. Sheri and John are a beautiful couple, who are always giving forward to another.... It could be a fund raiser for a child in need (to reduce medical costs) or hosting a school's night (where 10% of proceeds are given to the school to purchase things that are needed). Beef O'Brady's of Merritt Island is a community "Cheers", and continues to serve whenever the need exits...

Friendship is so needed especially these days. So many of us have been forced to work longer hours for less money, and have much less energy to give to a relationship. Even in the Bible we have many areas mentioning friends... "no longer strangers, but friends"... Hopefully, I can project the gift of friendship to those I meet, as well as those I love. Perhaps, I will be blessed with many close friends for the rest of my life, and that I might become close friends with others.

Thank you, Lord, for blessing my life with my best friend, my husband. Thank you for the friendships throughout my life time....and thank you for Sheri and John who have opened their hearts to the community.

Monday, April 26, 2010


One nation....under God! .....but the National Day of Prayer will not be held at the White House this year... the same as last year under the current Administration. The day was a simple day which invited pastors of different faiths and denominations to gather for breakfast at the White House, and each were asked to give a prayer for our nation. This did not proclaim one religion as being the national religion.

So, for the second year in a row, President Obama still plans to issue a proclamation for May 6 as a day of prayer (just won't be at the White House). There is no plan for a gathering of people at the Capitol for this national day for prayer, as was awarded to another religious group last fall for their national day of prayer.

Michael Bresciani notes,"Our naitonal identity and our Christian roots are being ignored, denied or challenged on every level. President Obama's administration started off in the same vein with his now famous proclamation that America is 'not a Christian nation.' Of course we are not a "Christian" nation, because there is no such thing."

The Freedom form Religion Foundation filed against the proclamation in October 2008. US Districk Judge Barbara Crabb in Madison, Wisconsin, said the proclaimation "violates" the First Amendment rule that prohibits laws respecting the establishment of religion. WOW!!!!! This makes me breathless.....

I personally do not need anyone to encourage me to pray. Prayer is something that I do each and every moment with my words and my actions. Prayer is not foreign to me. It is my constant companion and communication with my Creator. ....and in some way I can understand the strange events of this time period of the United States. How many times has this nation spit in the face of God? We have abortion of babies with later term abortions, we have abortion of human beings who have a heart beat by the 18th day, we have cloning, we have destruction of human frozen embryos, we have euthanasia, we have persecution of His Church, we have people getting rich from litigation with His Church .....and the list goes on...

On May 6th I will pray, the same as I do each and every moment of my life. Join me, won't you? ...and if you are so inclined, encourage others to join you....

Friday, April 23, 2010

Tonight....tonight....won't be just any night..... because tonight the golden tenor voice of Mark Tisdel, the piano styling of Manfred Dreilich, with flutist Alexia Jowers, and percussionist Ted Molina with vocalist Jennifer Hickman will be gracing Brevard County with another incredible concert. Both Mark and Manfred are recording artists, and their music is on "i-tunes" as well as by CDs. St.John the Evangelist Catholic Community is hosting the event, which will benefit an organization who's goal is to eliminate hunger and poverty in Africa.

For many years (almost two decades) Mark Tisdel and Manfred Dreilich have offered their talents to worthwhile campaigns in Michigan and in Florida. They are the perfect example of giving of time, talent, and treasure. The treasure is the countless hours of practice, relentless rehearsing .... and their talents do not remain hidden beneath a basket.

What would the world be like if everyone on the planet (yes, EVERYONE) would follow such an example of giving? There would be no time for war, for gang activity, for degrading another, for cruelty, or anything malicious. Mental health of everyone would become positive because all the negative energy that causes crime, pain, hurts, and incredible grief would dissipate. To take my time for another when I feel rushed is difficult, but when I do make the time for that person, my heart dances with joy....and the activity that I am late for really was insignificant as I did not need to be wasting my time in such a fashion....

The hour is drawing closer for us to leave the house for the concert. Thank you, God, for the talent, the treasure and the time that Alexia, Jennifer, Ted, Mark and Manfred are giving this Friday night... tonight..... tonight....... tonight...

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Finally transplanted our tomato plants this evening. Seems like the day slips away quickly...now that I'm in my 60s. The sunset was not far away as I watered all my plants. Yet, somehow the time spent in prayer is increasing....and that is wonderful!

Against the evening sky, my husband and I watched the launching of the new space aircraft and the white plume it left against the blue sky. It is hard to imagine that the Space Coast will no longer have the Shuttle at year's end. It is even harder to realize that Brevard County's unemployment will rise (and it's already in the double digits). No matter what happens God is in control!

Pleasant dreams Brevard County and the rest of the world....

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

On a beautiful sunny morning, friends and coworkers from my Wuesthoff family gathered to join in the annual heart walk. The funds generated provide cardiac care and additional support for patients and family members. It was such a beautiful time. Unfortunately, I am limited in my walking, having gained a disability from a motor vehicle accident. Yet, my thoughts were with them as they walked the distance .....

Isn't it amazing how people eagerly place themselves in the fore front of physical fitness and endurance? If we asked everyone that was present "do you put the same training and effort into your spiritual life", what would be the answers? We cannot talk about our religions openly because many people jump right in with "there is separation of church and state". On public school grounds, no one is allowed to pray. Our children are being limited in their thinking and creativity if they draw anything religious or want to sing Christmas carols, and the list goes on and on...

Recently, students have returned to school from "Spring Break". In the 50s and 60s the public schools were closed for Holy Week (not Spring Break). The week between Christmas and New Year's Day was known as Christmas Break, now being renamed as some winter break. It was not uncommon to see parents with their children openly say Grace before a meal. Thankfully, I can tell you that more and more families are returning to giving thanks prior to eating.

As I age, I hope and pray that my Creator will be pleased with my spiritual fitness, and be happy that disability allowed me to participate as best I could physically.
Good night, Brevard County. (and now it's my time for Spiritual fitness and prayer....)

Saturday, April 17, 2010

One nation....under God! In God we trust...... (maybe you don't but I certainly do)..

The Tea Party movement is certainly catching on. Watching those who have been able to freely speak their minds is beautiful, especially when they are recalling the facts of our founding fathers, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. Perhaps we are ready for a new party.... the Constitutionalists.... has a beautiful sound to it!

Maybe I will join.....

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Blessed are they . . .

What an introspective review of the Church can reveal....and what the media choose to report! Newsweek has just published a report which shows that "there is no data to support the claim" that Catholics "have a much bigger problem with child molestation than other denominations and the general population." FINALLY we have facts to support this from Ernie Allen, president of the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (taken from "both studies and surveys conducted by different denomination over the past 30 years"). Even the insurance companies that cover sexual misconduct has statistics to support no "vast difference in the incidience rate between one denomination and another... and has been that way for decades", as stated in this report by Newsweek.

Sadly enough, the podium of public opinion spout devastating verbage about our Priests, condemning opening even our Holy Father. The US Council of Catholic Bishops had a study conducted following the horrible scandals in 2002. Less than five percent of priests were accused of sexual misconduct involving children. Yet, the continued battering of our clergy is disturbing and outrageous. Even Bill O'Reilly on Fox News is going after Cardinal Bernard Law.

Granted, no one should be exempt in any organization, corporation or company for accepting the mainstream psycho babble that sexual offenders could be rehabilitated; but, that was exactly the course of treatment for these persons for decades. Rehabilitate then reassign or return to the current posting/assignment. Until the 1990s the psychiatrists and psychologists called that "shots" so to speak, rehabilitating any sexual offender. It is any surprise to the rest of us that this rationale of care did not work. Yet, where is the accountability of these professionals that treated the molesters and sexual offenders? Why are we, the public, not outraged at their poor judgement in this treatment process? All organizations followed this protocol, including the Church.

Maybe, it is time to really hold accountable those individuals responsible for misguiding the corporations, companies, organizations and the Churches. This is where we, the public, really need to investigate and follow through. (One of my friends disclosed that her psychologist encouraged her to masterbait as part of her therapy. Despite my outrage that another person could influence a Catholic woman to defile herself and the Temple of the Holy Spirit, my friend did not understand my concern. Only until recently have psychotherapists recognized the importance of a person's faith.)

So, instead of persecuting our Priests, Bishops, and the Holy Father, let us look in the mirror first and ask ourselves "have I followed the heard mentality of the media, of the general public, of anyone in line to malign or slander the Catholic faith?" Personally, I am asking that we place Pope Benedict, all our Bishops, and all our Priests, Brothers, and Decons under the protection of the Blessed Mother.

Remember, O most gracious Virgin Mary, that never was it known that anyone who fled to thy protection, implored thy help, or sought thine intercession was left unaided. Inspired by this confidence, I fly unto thee, O Virgin of virgins, my mother; to thee do I come, before thee I stand, sinful and sorrowful. O Mother of the Word Incarnate, despise not my petitions, but in thy mercy hear and answer me. Amen.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Oh, what a beautiful Easter season this is! Celebrating the God's merciful love for humanity, we gathered yesterday at Our Saviour's Catholic Community in Cocoa Beach, Florida. The celebrant, a Marian priest, provided a very insightful homily on human's being at their best and at their worst. He recounted how a man was cured of his leprosy. The man, who sought to be cured, expected a difficult remedy but was given a simple one. He essentially was indignant to follow such a simple plan. Yet, he was willing to follow a complicated plan for his cure. He was stubborn and stupid. After having someone bring this to his attention, he did as he was instructed....to follow the simple plan and he bathed in the river for a prescribed time period. Yes, he was cured.

Reflecting on these words, oh how many times have I been stubborn and stupid......so stubborn that I created mountains of pain and heartache just to have my way and not be willing to listen to others.. Oh, how many times I have been stupid in my choices, not seeing beyond the immediate outcome, reacting to circumstances instead of assessing and listening and making an informed choice.

Divine Mercy Sunday (the Sunday after Easter) is a celebration of God's Mercy for each of us. The Divine Mercy Chaplet has been recited as well as sung, ...... The message of mercy is so clear, and the image of Divine Mercy has a beauty of breathlessness and peace... with the verse... "Jesus, I trust in you." This was an invitation to all to immerse ourselves in God's merciful love. We sang the Chaplet after mass as we adored our Lord in the Most Blessed Sacrament. Concluding we with Benediction, each of us lingered in Church (myself feeling the warmth of deep love and peace)....

Have you had a time similar to this....where time was going forward and you wanted to remain there in the moment of God's love? Are your Sundays filled with the Son? Have you allowed yourself to trust in God's merciful love? Have you asked the Holy Spirit for guidance and help? Take a moment's rest... and allow yourself to experience a "peace that passes all understanding"..... Jesus, I trust in You..... Jesus, I trust in You.... Jesus, I Trust in You.