"Sometimes I wish I were blind. Then, I could see a person's soul before I see their face..." a friend in NY 1969

Thursday, July 22, 2010

A Car Can't "Go" in Neutral

We turn on the radio for news, information, and companionship when we get into our cars. Yet, I did not expect a stimulating thought. It was presented early in the morning by www.sonrisemorningshow.com (who comes on between 6am to 7am Mondays through Fridays).  They were interviewing an author who had a chapter in his book that was something like "A car can't go in neutral. Neither can God. Get your foot on the gas and go." or something similar to it.

Well, it made me wonder just how often I have kept God in neutral without considering the outcome of my actions.  I also considered the times that I put God into hyper drive after not seeking God's input to my choices and decisions, making my responses to my Creator manic depressive.  Now, with retro speck, I find many opportunities where I could have and should have put my foot on the gas and let God take over.  
It is my hope that the remaining years I have here on earth are spent in giving God "pedal to the metal" in my life.  It is when someone can see my actions or behaviors as helpful or as a blessing to them that I realize God has been taken out of neutral.

Where do I start?  As in the picture above, the first action is to get myself into church for a heart to heart conversation.  Then, in those times when I am able to have quiet time, I listen to his voice.  "Be still, and know that I am God.  I'm right here at your side."  Thank you, Lord, for getting me into gear and letting You take control!