I believe that God has a special place for the people I love who have guided me by example: my sister (who patiently teaches other's music and was brave enough to learn to play the piano and organ); my brother-in-law (who comes in a moments notice to help, whether a hurricane, or a move back to Philadelphia); my older sister (using the guitar and openly sharing her love to those around her, who speaks highly instead of negatively of others); my older brother (willing to come without hesitation to another in need, placing his children and wife as his highest priorities); my younger brother (relinquishing his goals for the goals of his children, loving both without limits); my husband (by example will devote each Sunday morning to taking Eucharist to the sick and homebound, who tries to find answers for the problems they are experiencing); other members of my family who are lovingly committed to those around them, even traveling great distances to bring happiness to another.
This article about the Minister's miraculous response is outstanding. How wonderful it would be that each of us could have a similar experience in our own lifetimes. To this day, I miss both of my parents, especially on Holidays, the 10th and the 29th of each month. My head understands their passing; yet, my heart will stop within special moments allowing me to feel that moment with some sadness and then to remember what they taught me. Love is the unending circle. Life begins with love, and for most ends with love. It's the in between that needs as much love as we can give. DELIVERANCE MINISTER 'DIED' AND CAME BACK