Marriage was created by God, established for procreation of the human race. For those who fail to recognize this fact and want to leave God completely out of the picture, let's look to the cavemen who knew they needed females to reproduce. Quickly advance to 2010, and despite all the advances in science, to reproduce it still requires a female ovum and a male spermatozoa. Two spermatozoa or two ovum cannot and are never able to create a human being. So, Prop 8 in California has been overturned by a judge who did not recluse himself from hearing the case due to his established behavior of homosexuality. This is so unbelievable that a person of the court believes the will of the people can be negated and cast to the wayside.
Now, regroup. In the Books of the Old Testament, the Laws of God specifically state that no man shall lie with another man and no woman shall lie with another women as in the marriage bed. Also, due to the horrid obscene sexual behavior displayed in Sodom and Gomorrah, God sent a pillar of fire to destroy them. In the time of Noah, God found favor with him as he follow and kept God's laws. Noah and his family were spared the entire destruction of the Earth because God rewarded Noah with instructions to build the Ark, and to place in it pairs of animals (one male and one female) as well as to take his sons with their wives. One male and one female were needed to reproduce or procreate. Those outside the Ark drowned, as it rained for 40 days and 40 nights, extinguishing all life from the planet (except the life that was safe upon the Ark).
In the New Testament, Christ Jesus had His first miracle at the Wedding at Cana. This was a place of celebration of the Bride and the Bridegroom. Jesus Himself was the Bridegroom with the Church as His Bride. Male with female.... not male lying with male or female lying with female. Jesus also spoke of a parable saying, "the kingdom of heaven is like a king who made a marriage feast for his son" (not his sons). Jesus continued with the parable noting how the servants were murdered when they extended the king's invitation to come to the marriage feast. The murderers were killed. Others were invited to the feast, but a person who was not wearing a wedding garment was bound and cast outside in the dark, where there would be " weeping an gnashing of teeth For many are called but few are chosen".
A scientist published findings that the homosexual brain has physical changes than that of a heterosexual brain. However, no other scientist has been able to duplicate these findings. Odd, isn't it? Odd that we are being force fed homosexual behavior and that we must be tolerant of it. Odd that what the people hold to be sacred to them is trivialized. Odd? Not really. God has been tossed out of our schools, our sporting arenas, our meetings, and even God's Ten Commandments have been removed from our judicial places. By this poor example, people think nothing of tossing out God from our lives, our behaviors, and our homes because we are expected to conform politically to propaganda which is without God's laws or God's blessings.
So, back to Proposition 8: we know the truth. Read "Sent To Earth, God and the Return of Ancient Disasters" by Michael H Brown. It was written years prior to the five hurricanes that cross Florida (which did happened as he described). We know how the story will end, even if the rest of humanity is corrupt and wants to behave badly.
This is a place where I celebrate my Catholic faith. God has never turned His back on me, even though I have pushed away from the Church and her teachings in my younger years. As I mature, I am thankful for my age, for my many blessings, and mostly for the gift of Reconciliation and Holy Eucharist. I don't deserve God's love, but I am most thankful that He does.