This is a place where I celebrate my Catholic faith. God has never turned His back on me, even though I have pushed away from the Church and her teachings in my younger years. As I mature, I am thankful for my age, for my many blessings, and mostly for the gift of Reconciliation and Holy Eucharist. I don't deserve God's love, but I am most thankful that He does.
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
On a beautiful sunny morning, friends and coworkers from my Wuesthoff family gathered to join in the annual heart walk. The funds generated provide cardiac care and additional support for patients and family members. It was such a beautiful time. Unfortunately, I am limited in my walking, having gained a disability from a motor vehicle accident. Yet, my thoughts were with them as they walked the distance .....
Isn't it amazing how people eagerly place themselves in the fore front of physical fitness and endurance? If we asked everyone that was present "do you put the same training and effort into your spiritual life", what would be the answers? We cannot talk about our religions openly because many people jump right in with "there is separation of church and state". On public school grounds, no one is allowed to pray. Our children are being limited in their thinking and creativity if they draw anything religious or want to sing Christmas carols, and the list goes on and on...
Recently, students have returned to school from "Spring Break". In the 50s and 60s the public schools were closed for Holy Week (not Spring Break). The week between Christmas and New Year's Day was known as Christmas Break, now being renamed as some winter break. It was not uncommon to see parents with their children openly say Grace before a meal. Thankfully, I can tell you that more and more families are returning to giving thanks prior to eating.
As I age, I hope and pray that my Creator will be pleased with my spiritual fitness, and be happy that disability allowed me to participate as best I could physically.
Good night, Brevard County. (and now it's my time for Spiritual fitness and prayer....)